Overcoming Acne for Good

What’s Acne? It's a chronic inflammatory skin disorder of the sebaceous glands that is characterized by comedones and blemishes.
What causes acne? A number of factors increase oil production and lead to acne. These include: Hormones, stress, medicines you take such as contraceptives, antidepressants, B vitamins, and corticosteroids

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10 Step Regiment to Beat Acne:

  1. Achieve Drastic results within 4-6 weeks following these simple steps:Use A mild exfoliating cleanser preferably with BHA (2% salicylic) twice a day.
  2. Exfoliate with AHA and BHA exfoliating masks twice a week (Enzyme masks (fruit derived such as pumpkin, papaya, berries, etc.} are beneficial to remove dead skin cells and de-congest the pores giving your skin fresh clean complexion.
  3. Using clay/mud base masks used 2-3 times a week to draw out impurities and excess sebum, minimize the appearance of pores and balance the PH of the skin preventing excess oil production and congestion of pores.
  4. Using Mild BHA or AHA base toners twice a day to balance the PH of the acid mantle which is the natural oil barrier of our skin determined by our skin type- for example in oily type skin the pores produce excess oil causing skin to oily therefore more acidic)- maintaining a healthy PH is important in the appearance of skin.
  5. Using vitamin A, C, B3 serums or concentrate is highly beneficial to repair sun damage and scars, Serums should be used every night after cleansing and toning of the skin.
  6. Collagen and peptides serums are also essential in the skin’s ability to regenerate and should be used 2-3 times per week.
  7. Keep skin hydrated using water-based moisturizers twice a day after toning or applying serums. Oil free products are for keeping skin hydrated without clogging the pores (aloe base products, hyaluronic acid serum)
  8. Using anti-inflammatory ingredients serums or spot treatments 3-4 times a week such as turmeric, maracuja Oil, tea tree oil, aloe vera, centella asiatica, green tea, licorice root and witch hazel.
  9. Use high frequency machine to disinfect and oxygenate your skin to fight acne and blemishes over your weekly clay or mud mask 2-3 time per week.
  10. One of the most important steps to prevent future acne scars and brown spots is to use proper amount of sunscreen 7 days a week.

More Natural acne remedies

More Natural acne remedies:

Salicylic Acid, aloe Vera, azelaic acid, green tea extract, tea tree oil, zinc, witch hazel For more severe acne, or if over-the-counter acne remedies don’t work, see a dermatologist. You may need a prescription-strength acne treatment, such as: antibiotic gels, creams, lotions, or pills, benzoyl peroxide, cream or oral retinoids.

Acne prone skin need or more severe acne, or if over-the-counter acne remedies don’t work, see a dermatologist. You may need a prescription-strength acne treatment, such as: antibiotic gels, creams, lotions, or pills, benzoyl peroxide, cream or oral retinoids.